How many times have you picked up a new devotional and felt disappointed after the first 2-3 days because the book just felt like another devotional cliche? It is full of devotionals that convey truth, sure, but don't challenge or come across as very relate-able. I had given up on devotional books years ago but, for some reason, decided to give this one a try. What a refreshing change from the dry devotional books I was used to!
Unglued Devotional is written in such a way that it doesn't feel like the author is preaching to you or talking down to you. I would describe it as reading an encouraging, challenging daily blog post from someone who is going through the same sort of days that you are. She often shares her own experiences and shares how she is working on life, just like the rest of us.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is DONE with the typical boring devotional book. Each day's reading has a verse from the Bible, a quote and a short (1-2 page) reading from the author. It is easy to get through for those with busy schedules and give you something to think about for the rest of the day.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze blog review program. I am under no obligation to provide a positive review.